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...because the simplest of words become stories for a lifetime...
Encourage the feelings and senses of art.
Sensory play is an important part of child's development, especially in the early stages before he or she starts to overwhelmingly concentrate on her sight, as most of the adults do.
Materials needed:
baby safe finger paint
cleaning products for when the picture is finished

How to make it:
Choose a spot you don't mind getting dirty for the moment. Squirt some paint on to the sponges and create your masterpiece by simply pressing different body parts on the paper with paint.

Skill development
- creativity
Related topics:
Play dough food
3D picture
You can never go wrong with play dough....
Play dough is an inseparable part of childhood for many if not all of us. It starts with fascination with mud and then is simply directed towards a more controlled activity- play dough!
Materials needed:
play dough
topic you want to follow

How to make it:
Here I just prepare a play station and let the kids do the rest. Sometimes I introduce a topic and they try their best to create it. I can also try to introduce vocabulary- in the picture you have pizza, soup and doughnut. Next time we can try something healthier from the vegetable and fruit section.
Skill development
- creativity
- verbal (if you choose to)
Related topics:
3D picture, what fun!
Light clay is the cousin of playdough and so much fun! It is lighter than play dough and dries pretty quickly. It is pretty good for various crafts and can be used as a play dough substitute as well.
Materials needed:
light clay

How to make it:
Choose a picture you want to make and use the light clay as if you were creating a figurine. Press it agains the paper and let dry. There you go a 3D picture you can gift or use as a decoration to the bedroom.
Skill development
- creativity
- spacial awareness
Related topics:
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!
Playdough and light clay can be used over and over for so many different crafts.
Materials needed:
light clay or playdough
paper (black and orange)
scissors and glue

How to make it:
Cut a triangle for your cone and paste it on the paper.
Roll balls of various colours and gently press them on top of the cone. Add topics and decorations as desired.
Skill development
- creativity
- social skills (sharing)
Related topics:
should i share my icecream
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